How to Avoid the Need for Garbage Disposal Repair

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Here in the U.S., most homes are equipped with a garbage disposal in the kitchen sink, which is used to grind up and dispose of food waste. Unfortunately, garbage disposals are often prone to malfunctions or other issues, and our team at Fix the Drip! Plumbing Company, LLC is called to repair them frequently.

How to Avoid the Need for Garbage Disposal Repair

While we have the right knowledge and experience to provide the effective garbage disposal repair services you need, we also understand you would prefer to prevent these malfunctions in the first place. In this article, we will provide a few tips on how to keep your garbage disposal in good condition so you can avoid the need for garbage disposal repair.

  • Be Careful About What Goes Into Your Disposal- In many cases, garbage disposal repairs become necessary because the users tried to grind something that the disposal is not designed to deal with. To avoid this situation, make sure to only put food scraps down your disposal, and nothing else. Items that should not go down your disposal include meat bones, fat, and grease, as well as foods that expand such as pasta or rice.
  • Run Water When Using the Disposal- Another thing you can do to ensure that your garbage disposal continues to work properly is run cold water down the drain whenever you run the disposal. This helps prevent any oils, greases, or fats that happen to get into the disposal from solidifying and clogging the blades.
  • Break Up Large Scraps- In our experience, many garbage disposal repair calls come from people who have accidentally clogged their disposals with food scraps that are too large for the blades to handle. To prevent this, we recommend breaking large items into smaller pieces, and then grinding each piece separately. Or better yet, throw large scraps away in the garbage can.